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my growing flower

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

about me.

My name is Abigail sometimes my friend like to call me Abby.
I am 8 yaers old.
I am Gr.3 now.
My schoolis in ( SPH ) sekolah Pelita Harapan.


Organisation means that one group of people that has one plan the same.

Monday, March 10, 2008


Central Idea: People use communication tools and system to help express themselves in different ways.

In this UOI, I learnt how to make a presentation using power point. The power point presentation was about communication tools. Actually before we make the power point we chose our own communication tools. Why I chose this UOI lesson, because this lesson is very fun.
I curiosity because I want to know more about communication tools.

In this UOI, I learnt how to make a blog. Inside the blog we made the picture, calendar, clock, about us, what I learnt today, template,a famous five summary and UOI reflection.
Do you know how to make a blog?
First we go to the and you must make an e-mail first. Then, you go to the and type your user name and password.
Why I chose this activity, because this lesson is very good.
I am caring because I helped my friends in the computer lab.


Sunday, March 2, 2008

my food lunch

This is my food lunch that I make for UOI and MATH!!!

my food lunch

this is my food lunch that I made for UOI and MATH!!!